Chairman Manchin, from the Committee on Political Subdivisions, submitted the following

report, which was received:

    Your Committee on Political Subdivisions has had under consideration:

    H. B. 2696, Authorizing the county commission of Boone County to transfer its title and interests in the Boone Memorial Hospital.

    And reports back a committee substitute therefor, with the same title, as follows: 

    Com. Sub. for H. B. 2696 –- “A Bill authorizing the county comission of Boone County to transfer its title and interests in the Boone Memorial Hospital, also known as the Boone County Memorial Hospital, Incorporated, a West Virginia private, nonprofit corporation for the continued public use of providing needed health care in a cost-effective manner.,”

    With the recommendation that the committee substitute do pass, and with the recommendation that second reference of the bill to the Committee on The Judiciary be dispensed with.

                                       Respectfully Submitted




Effective Date:Passage